Nicole Reads A Lot

so many books, so little time

Kill it with fire (or a stake, or decapitation)…

Just when I think that the actions of the TwiMoms, the most frightening segment of Twilight fandom (although there’s pretty stiff competition for that title) have gone too far, one of them has to go ahead and do something even creepier. This time: Etsy seller Twimom (yes, she got the actual name; does that make her their leader??) presents Cullen-ize Me. For only $10, you can see what you’d look like if you were all undead and sparkly. Jesus.

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Forget the cowbell, how about more Taylor Lautner?

This LOLcats rendition of New Moon is pretty entertaining, and surpasses the original in every sense except one: it lacks any hint of Taylor Lautner shirtless pics. If the author could just go back and put some in, it would be perfect!

Here’s my contribution:

Let's pretend he wasn't born in 1992.

Let's pretend he wasn't born in 1992.

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