Nicole Reads A Lot

so many books, so little time

The Gauntlet Thrown by Cheryl Dyson

on July 11, 2011
Title:Gauntlet Thrown
Author:Cheryl Dyson & Xina Marie Uhl
Publication Date:April 2010
Publisher's DescriptionBrydon's quest was simple. Borrow the fabled Gauntlet of Ven-Kerrick, bring it home to prove his worth, marry the princess, and ascend the throne.

He had planned for the dangerous terrain and Redolian assassins, but he did not expect the Gauntlet to be missing, nor to find the Kerrick royal family murdered.

Luckily, his worst enemy was there to help him out.
My rating:****


Although I was initially dismayed when I saw that this book was 1128 pages (!!!), I got over that quickly and enjoyed the story tremendously. Be warned: there are a lot of characters to keep track of, and this is very obviously only an introduction to this world. If 1100+ pages are all you’d devote to this universe, you might as well skip this book, because there’s a lot that Dyson and Uhl didn’t cover in Gauntlet Thrown. I liked Brydon as a character, but he really needs to toughen up; all it takes to distract him is an attractive female face. Every time a pretty woman was in his orbit, he became noticeably dumber. One of these days, the fair maiden is not going to have his best interests at heart. Oh wait, that already happened. I loved that the friendship that blossomed between Brydon and Toryn ended up being the best-written and most fulfilling relationship in this book.

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