Nicole Reads A Lot

so many books, so little time

Put Me Back Together by Lola Rooney

on January 18, 2014
Title:Put Me Back Together
Author:Lola Rooney
Publication Date:November 2013
Publisher's Descriptionou’d Better Watch Yourself, Katie Kat

Katie Archer knows how to lie. After six years, no one really knows what happened That Night. Not even her twin sister. Choosing a college 3,000 miles away from the truth, Katie throws herself into art classes and a love affair with ice cream. Katie’s biggest rule? No boys. Ever.

But there is the little problem of Lucas Matthews. Former basketball star and total campus hottie, Lucas is the stuff girls have naughty dreams about—and he has the reputation to prove it! But that doesn’t stop liquid heat from running through Katie’s veins every time she sees him…

You’ll Never Get Away With It

Letting Lucas in is the hardest thing Katie’s ever had to do. And telling him the truth? Impossible. Then Katie starts to get threatening texts and she realizes Lucas is the least of her problems. Her past has caught up with her and it wants to settle the score.

I’m Coming For You

Now Katie must decide whether she wants to fight for her life, or leave everything—including Lucas—behind her forever...
My rating:****.5


This is how an author does New Adult well.

I read so many books, for professional and personal reasons, that when I come across generic books, they tend to run together in my mind. Thankfully, I didn’t have this type of experience at all with Put Me Back together. This book was entirely unlike anything that I’d read before, and I found the story totally engrossing. Katie is such an interesting character! I felt that Ms. Rooney doled out details about Katie’s pre-university life at a good pace. She teased that there was more to know, but delivered new bits of information at regular intervals. And Lucas. HOW MUCH DID I LOVE LUCAS? A metric tonne (can you tell that I was thrilled to read a book that takes place in Canada)!

The mystery of what happened back in Kingston and why Katie feels complicit, to the point of not taking steps to protect herself from a determined stalker, is handled well and just adds to the book’s overall awesomeness. Lucas’s backstory is also complicated and fascinating. A lot of authors seem to think that New Adult books just require random tragedy, but everything that happens in this book felt necessary to the story, and not gratuitous or as if added merely for shock value.

This book is a thing of beauty to read. The grammar is perfect, the dialog sounds like it was written by a person who actually has had conversations before, and the emotion of the story felt incredibly real to me. I came to Amazon to buy whatever else Ms. Rooney had written in the past and was dismayed/overjoyed to see that this is the first thing that she has published. I’m sad that I’ll have to wait, but I hope that this book marks the beginning of her long and fruitful publishing career.

I received this book free of charge through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review and my most worn out marbles.

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